How To Secure The Bag: A Resourceful Guide To Securing Strategic Partnerships (DOWNLOAD)


How To Secure The Bag: A Resourceful Guide To Securing Strategic Partnerships (DOWNLOAD)


“How To Secure The Bag: A Resourceful Guide To Securing Strategic Partnerships” was born from a thread of tweets, that author Brianni Taylor, compiled in order to help people who wanted to secure partnerships for events. After heeding the very smart advice of her friends, she decided to turn those few tweets into an entire manual. “People in various industries tend to act as if securing partnerships are this huge secret that only the most elite, most notarized brand can acquire, which is false. There are millions of companies who are looking for opportunities to partner with events, brands and other companies alike; it’s all about finding the right one,” Taylor says. This guide’s purpose is to demystify the process behind finding the correct contacts, pitching your ideas and ultimately securing strategic partnerships in any industry, not just events!

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